English Bussiness Task
Name : Nisa Caesarisa Afsetyanti
NPM : 26213465
Class : 3EB29
1. Commonly Misused Words
a. Compliment – Complement
Compliment means a
statement of praise.
Complement means to go well
with or perfect something else.
- The customer sent his compliments to the chef.
- The picture complements the design perfectly.
b. Principle - Principal
Principle means rule or
Principal refers to a
person who holds a high position or plays an important role; it also an
adjective that means chief or leading.
- He has always refused to compromise his principles.
- The school principal will be resigning next year.
- He has a principal reason for resigning.
c. Comprise - Compose
The whole comprises (or
includes) the parts; and the parts compose (or make up) the whole.
- The United States comprises fifty states.
- Organic compounds compose the fertilizer used by the farmer.
2. Confusing Related Word
a. Legible –
Legible means unreadable.
Illegible means writing
that could be read and understood easily.
Example :
- Susy wrote her reports in a legible way.
- Andrew, please write neatly, your writing is illegible.
b. Empathy - Sympathy
Empathy means feel the mind
or experience a person without direct communication
Sympathy means someone’s
ability to realize or shares the experiences and feelings of others .
Example :
- Zahra felt a great empathy after hearing her sister’s cat went missing.
- When Zahra’s sister lost her cat, she showed great sympathy and support.
c. Enable - Unable
Enable means made easy or
Unable means not allowing
or cannot .
Example :
- This phone enables us to browse the internet and listen to music in the same time.
- Because of his engagements, he was unable to attend this event.
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